How Shelfie Preps for the Holiday (but Mostly Leans Out on Thanksgiving)
Pie-Hole-Stuffing Holiday
It’s almost time for this glorious pie-hole-stuffing holiday we call Thanksgiving and there’s a lot of prep work to do...especially for those who choose to host. My aunt hosts 20+ people each Thanksgiving and it is by far, the best dinner I have all year. Her house is beautifully decorated and cozy, the Christmas tree sparkling as the centerpiece of the feast. We have three different kinds of turkey, three-to-four types of stuffing, a ten foot long table full of desserts and a whole lotta wine. Come to think of it, my family’s Thanksgiving dinner feels like a mini wedding. It’s magnificent and it’s a lot of work...but not for me.
Love, Food, Babies & Booze
I can’t lie, I do very little when it comes to helping out with Thanksgiving. Call me an asshole if you please but it’s a small perk I get from living in another state :) To be fair, I help with the cleanup as much as possible. But often times there are too many people in the kitchen doing the same. So usually, I choose to lean out on this holiday. Yes, you heard me. I take full advantage of the week-long trip home to Detroit where I surrender to my family and friends who shower me with love, food, babies, and booze. And lucky me, I find a personal chauffeur in my little brother who has unintentionally turned himself into my twenty-four hour Uber driver because he won’t let me behind the wheel. I find this completely fair and acceptable. I spend time with my older brother at the Franklin Cider Mill eating donuts and drinking cider and take trips to Costco with my dad where we sample food and stock up on socks, chapstick, toothpaste and K-cups.
Eat, Sit, Teach my Mom iPhone Skills
I eat my mom’s home-cooked dinners and then sit on the couch with her watching TV and laughing while I spend two hours trying to teach her how to use her iPhone before she passes out at 8 PM. It’s frickin’ awesome.
How Shelfie Does Holiday Prep
With all that being said, I find the need to prepare my mind, body and soul for all the family, friends, food, and travel!
Read below to find out how Shelfie does holiday prep.
Before I leave my apartment I make sure all dishes are done, laundry is put away, the floors are squeaky clean and everything is in its home. There’s nothing worse than coming home to a messy place! Plus, I can’t pack my clothing properly until my place is in tip-top shape. It’s part of my packing process: a spotless apartment gives me clarity and helps me to avoid forgetting things.
I love using my Eagle Creek packing cubes from The Container Store. They keep all my clothes categorized and organized plus they are a huge space-saver in my suitcase. To prep for the week of fun at home I create a few looks for special occasions like Thanksgiving dinner for example, and the rest of the items I bring home are the things I wear everyday right here in NYC. Since the weather in NYC and Detroit are fairly close in temperature, I try not to overthink what I’m bringing. I lay everything out on my couch in clothing categories - tees, jeans/pants, dresses, socks, underwear, bras, pajamas, workout clothes, etc. I might be a slight over-packer, but I’m a big advocate for being over prepared with options rather than underprepared and pissed.
I like to workout extra hard before the holidays to make room (that’s a thing, right?). Whether or not this method is effective, it certainly gets my head in a good place. Anyone who knows me understands that I can overdo it on the holidays - and I like that. I like eating large amounts of food until I pass out on my uncle’s couch with a whisky in my hand while Motown plays in the background and my family sings karaoke. Ok… this only happened once. Still, when I’m home, I’ll be off my regular schedule and routine for a few days and I find mental clarity in hitting the gym a bit harder than usual in the days leading up to a week spent in Detroit. I also make a large effort to workout while I’m home.
This is a tricky one, as there is no end to the amount of work I have as a small business owner but I do my best to tie-up any loose ends. This leaves my clients happy and allows me to focus on food, family, and friends!
The night before I travel, I grab a chalk marker and write a list of “do not forget” items on my hallway mirror, located right near my front door (my only door). The items on this list are things I’ll still need to use in the AM and haven’t packed yet: phone charger, computer charger, laptop, work, headphones, face lotion, toothpaste, etc
Finally, before leaving for the airport I ensure my spare key is with the right person. I unplug all appliances, close the blinds and say out loud “stove is off, lights are off, windows are locked.” (This is also something I do every day when leaving my apartment.) Saying it out loud helps me remember I left the apartment in safety mode. I also hide my valuables.
Just kidding. I don’t have any valuables.
And that’s it! Happy Thanksgiving to all!